Re: mountd keeps vanishing (!)

Eric Kimminau (
Thu, 12 Jan 1995 17:05:14 -0500 (EST)

Is it just me or does this sound like he has run out of NFSD's?

On Wed, 11 Jan 1995, Eric Berggren wrote:

> Date: Wed, 11 Jan 1995 22:04:19 -0800
> From: Eric Berggren <>
> To:
> Subject: mountd keeps vanishing (!)
>   we have a host that is creating many problems as it's mountd stops
> responding to requests (and mucking up automounters all over). the
> process is still running but "rpcinfo -u hostname 100005" results
> in :
> 	rpcinfo: RPC: Timed out
> 	program 100005 version 0 is not available
>   it's an SS2 running 4.1.3 with the following patches (among many others) :
>     100173-10   NFS Jumbo Patch
> P s 100249-09   automounter jumbo patch
>   this would happen various hosts on rare occasions, but this box has now
> done this 6 times within the last 2 days (it's a lab support box) with
> anywhere from minutes to hours between occurences. the major problem is
> that other hosts go ballistic during this time, including the central
> fileservers.
>   it's hard to figure out exactly what's happening as by the time it's
> noticed, the machine itself is inaccessible to logins and many other
> commands. we may try enabling full accounting (to whatever effect).
>   anyone seen this or have any insight ? unfortunately, the automounter
> is a critical part of our setup.
>   thanx!
> -eric
> =============================================================================
> -                         Portland State University                         -
> Eric Berggren                           Janaka Jayawardena
> Administrator, CS/EE                    Director of Computer Services, CS/EE

 ////    Eric Kimminau   Dos God at Large. Linux v1.1.62
 c-OO    '' Take thee this thing covered with that stuff and give it unto that
    \       guy, that he may do things with it. ** "Romis glorius", sed Caesar